Selected Publications
<Books & Journal Special Issue>
Hasegawa, A., Mori, Y., & Mori, J. (under contract). The acquisition of Japanese as a second language: A research overview. New York, NY: Routledge.
Hasegawa, A. (2019). The social lives of study abroad: Understanding second language learners’ experiences through social network analysis and conversation analysis. New York: Routledge.
Mori, J., & Hasegawa, A. (Eds.). (2020). Exploring who we are and who we aspire to be: Diversity, inclusion, and professionalism in Japanese-language education. A special section of Japanese Language and Literature, 54(2). doi:10.5195/jll.2020.131
<Journal Articles & Book Chapters>
Hasegawa, A. (2024). Conversation analysis and second language research. In B. Paltridge, & M. T. Prior (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of second language acquisition and discourse (pp. 11-23). New York, NY: Routledge.
Hasegawa, A. (2022). The past, present, and future of second language acquisition of Japanese research. In C. Shei, & S. Li (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of Asian linguistics (pp. 637-649). Oxfordshire, UK: Routledge.
Hasegawa, A. (2021). Sociomateriality of semi-scripted pair-work prompts in beginner-level Japanese as a foreign language classrooms. The Modern Language Journal, 105(S1), 65-85. doi:10.1111/modl.12689
Hasegawa, A. (2021). Developing friendship or practicing Japanese? Differential impacts of language pledge on study abroad students. In N. Kurata & A. J. Carhill-Poza (Eds.), Social networks in language learning and language teaching (pp. 184-208). London: Bloomsbury.
Mori, Y., Hasegawa, A., & Mori, J. (2021). The trends and developments of L2 Japanese research in the 2010s. Language Teaching, 54(1), 90-127. doi:10.1017/S0261444820000336
Mori, J., & Hasegawa, A. (2020). Diversity, inclusion, and professionalism in Japanese-language education: Introduction to the special section. Japanese Language and Literature, 54(2), 253-266. doi:10.5195/jll.2020.125
Mori, J., Hasegawa, A., Park, J., & Suzuki, K. (2020). On goals of language education and teacher diversity: Beliefs and experiences of Japanese-language educators in North America. Japanese Language and Literature, 54(2), 267-304. doi:10.5195/jll.2020.131
Hasegawa, A., & Shima, C. (2020). Differential social experiences of international students in a residential hall in Japan. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad 32(2), 34-71. doi:10.36366/frontiers.v32i2.467
Sato, S., Hasegawa, A., Kumagai, Y, & Kamiyoshi, U. (2017). Content-based instruction (CBI) for the social future: A recommendation for critical content-based instruction (CCBI). L2 Journal, 9(3), 50-69.
Sato, S., Hasegawa, A., Kumagai, Y., & Kamiyoshi, U. (2015). Naiyōjūshi no hihanteki nihongo kyōiku: Riron to sono jissen (Critical content-based Japanese instruction: Theory and practice). In S. Sato, T. Takami, U. Kamiyoshi, & Y. Kumagai (Eds.), Naiyōjūshi no nihongo kyōiku: Naiyō jūshi no hihanteki nihongo kyōiku o mezashite (Content-based language instruction: Towards critical Japanese language education) (pp. 13-36). Tokyo: Coco Publisher.
Takami, T., Kumagai, Y., Sato, S., Hasegawa, A., & Morioka, A. (2015). Amerika ni okeru naiyō jūshi no nihongo kyōiku (Content-based instruction in the U.S. context). In S. Sato, T. Takami, U. Kamiyoshi, & Y. Kumagai (Eds.), Naiyōjūshi no nihongo kyōiku: Naiyō jūshi no hihanteki nihongo kyōiku o mezashite (Content-based language instruction: Towards critical Japanese language education) (pp. 77-121). Tokyo: Coco Publisher.
Sato, S., Hasegawa, A., Kumagai, Y., & Kamiyoshi, U. (2013). Naiyō jūshi no gengo kyōiku no riron to jissen: “Hihanteki” nihongo kyōiku ni mukete (Theories and practices of content-based instruction: Toward “critical” Japanese language education). In K. Kondo-Brown, Y. Saito-Abbott, S. Satsutani, M. Tsutsui, & A. Wehmeyer (Eds.), New perspectives on Japanese language learning, linguistics, and culture (pp. 69-94). Mānoa, HI: University of Hawai‘i, National Language Resource Center.
Mori, J., & Hasegawa, A. (2009). Doing being a foreign language learner in a classroom: Embodiment of cognitive states as social events. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 47(1), 65-94.
Hanabusa, N., Hasegawa, A., Yasuda, M., & Matsumoto, K. (2008). Shokyū reberu niokeru “naiyō jūshi kyōiku” o mezashite (Toward “contents” in the beginning language class). In Y. Hatasa (Ed.), Gaikokugo toshite no nihongo kyōiku: Takakuteki shiya ni motozuku kokoromi (Japanese as a foreign language education: Multiple perspectives) (pp. 135-150). Tokyo: Kurosio Publisher.